Simon Community Scotland Support Services
A map showing all the period friendly points in Scotland where people can access period friendly facilities and products.
A list of Simon Community Scotland's support services.
A list of support programmes run by Simon Community Scotland.
This multi-agency hub is a place where people affected by homelessness can drop in to get help with benefits, health, finances, legal advice, access to the digital world and more.
The Connect Hub is a community support space for women, providing pathways away from and out of homelessness through support, connection and community.
This multi-agency hub us a place where people affected by homelessness can drop in to get help with benefits, health, finances, legal advice, access to the digital world and more.
A safe and welcoming space to read, relax and access a wide variety of support.
A housing support outreach service providing support where people are at and usually lasts between 6-9 months.